Real Name: Not Admissible

Occupation: Detective.

Known Relatives: Sylvia(wife), Henrietta(eldest daughter), Alvin and Sylvester(twin sons), Annette(daughter), Floyd(son), Nathan(son), Genye and Suzette(twin daughters), Scott(youngest son), Marva(youngest daughter).

Affiliations: Lt. Brion Lewis, Patrolman Cassius Carter.

Enemies: Boss Bailey.

Base of Operation: East Gateway City.

First appearance: HENRY HONG CASEBOOK #1

History: Henry Hong is a Detective Sergeant in East Gateway City, which has earned several nicknames over the years, including "Blood-Splattered City" and "Hell's Community" due to its excessive gun violence often involving the drug trade and illegal gambling houses. Hong was attacked with a sickle, by a crackhead, leaving the distinctive scar over his right eye.

Powers & Weapons: Henry Hong is a shrewd and meticulous investigator, affluent in several languages. He carries a bullwhip, his preferred weapon of choice, which is often concealed in his hat, but he is also armed with a standard-issue glok.

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