Members: Ballistic, Calibre, Zaza The Invincible, Scarlet Scarab, Sparkler, Crime-Stopper.

Leader: Scarlet Scarab.

Purpose: Fighting for what is right.

Affiliations: Phillis Williams, Dr. Alberta Starr, Maximum Justice, Momentum, Team Max.

Enemies: Black Death, Crimson Torpedo, Exo-Man, Collapstar, Warwolf, Outrage, Succubus, Incubus, Ceberus, Warmonger, Harpy.

First appearance: AVENGING FORCE #1 #1

History: Avenging Force is a group that decided to unite as a team to stop the ongoing terrorism of Black Death and his many allies.

Powers & Weapons: Watchstar(headquaters). Jump-Jet-V(jet). Grounds Zero(training facilities).

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