Real Name: Dwayne McFadden

Occupation: Actor. Vigilante.

Known Relatives: Curtis(father), Hazel(mother), Richard(brother)

Affiliations: MBC Studios, Mad Robot Productions, One Bro Productions.

Television Villains: Al Gator, Jester, Madcap, Pelican, Khat, Scarebabe, Vineyard.

Enemies:Redmask, Mister Ree, Razor, Human Trafficers.

Base of Operation: New Gateway City


History: Dwayne McFadden's first role as an actor was as the leader of Space Sentinels. After the mega success of the first season, Dwayne married his co-star Starr Sapphire, and not too long afterwards, their daughter was born. When the series began to lose popularity, Dwayne began working on his concept of Blackwing. His wife, Starr, secretly brokered a deal with Edwin Milosh, the corporate head of MBC Television Studios.

Powers & Weapons: Television Props: All the props on the Blackwing television series are non-functional, they seem real to fans because of acting, editing, and digital compositing.
Real World: Dwayne is skilled in a variety of martial arts styles. Aside from his fighting skills, he uses such weapons as bat-shaped shuriken, smoke bombs, automatic hand restraints, stun gas capsules, and a mountaineering pistol.




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