Real name: Henry Chu

Occupation: Fabrication Specialist, Co-CEO of Combatec, Inc.

Group Affiliation: Partner of Yellowjacket.

Enemies: Lizard, Firebug, The 13th Circle, China Blue, Brothers Grimm, Brickwall, Tragedy, The Cold Front.

Base of Operations: New Gateway City

Known Relatives: Aaron, father. Carleen, mother. Sony, sister, Gerald, brother.

First appearance:Blazing Comics #1 (1944)

Modern appearance:SuperHeroes: HARDSHELL & YELLOWJACKET #1

History: Hardshell wears a techno-organic suit which artificially enhanced his strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and reactions, and endurance to near superhuman levels. The micro techno-organic costume is of both unknown origin and design and grants Chu the ability to generate a powerful force field around himself, greatly increasing his body's resistance to physical injury. While surrounded by the field, Chu can withstand high caliber bullets, powerful impact forces, heat, punctures, and concussion without sustaining injury. The field not only protected him from physical attack, but it could also filter out harmful gases and protect him from extreme temperatures.

Powers & Weapons: Hardshell's airship, the "Turtle", contained high tech equipment, could electrify or magnetize its hull, fire electrical energy, and fly at 600 mph. All models had booster jets hidden under the shell of the Turtle. The boosters on the first two models could speed the Turtle up to the speed of sound for a short period of time; no time limit was ever given for how long the burst lasted. The Turtle is remotely controlled palm-top computer built into Chu's gloves.

Based upon the Green Turtle appearing in Blazing Comics #1, published by Rural Home Publications.

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